Friday, September 23, 2011


This was my poster for comiccon. Just a little something to attract the eye of people walking by.

New drawing

I know it`s been a while since I`ve posted anything. The reason was I was working on new drawings for comiccon and I wanted to showcase them there first. But don't worry folks I didn't forget you all. Here's a few  of them.

MTL Comiccon

So last weekend was the biggest Montreal Comiccon Ever !!!!!

It was quite amazing, not only cause I had a table there but also cause Stan ''the Man'' Lee was there too :P
Thanks to all the fans who came and supported me and made this weekend an amazing event.

Here is a picture of me standing at my table.

Monday, August 1, 2011


Sketch on paper and the rest done by Photoshop.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Magneto - Master of Magnet.

The other day I saw X-men First class, and yes, it was pretty awsome. The day after I was looking for something to draw while listening to the epic sound track and somehow Magneto came to mind.
I did the sketch on paper, and inked it quick (a very fast and crappy job) then I scanned it. The rest was all digital painting in Photoshop.
Hope you all enjoy it as much I enjoyed drawing it.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Monster vs Babe

Now that I have your attention, please direct it towards the hot chick with the jet pack fighting a bad ass monster. So I'm sure you're wondering what the story is behind this one....well it's boring. A while ago a few friends and I got together and decided on a theme to draw for the night and voila, hot girl fighting a monster was chosen. Enjoy!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Nymu the Steam Zombie

Just one more zombie I drew for IZM 2011.
Done with ink and Photoshop for the gradient.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

One more for the IZM 2011!

This is just a quick sketch I did the other night before bed. Just another Zombie drawing for the IZM 2011. This was done from start to finish in Photoshop. Hope you like it.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Bill and Maggot: Rogue Undead

Here we go again with another piece for the IZM

This is kind of an homage to a friend of mine who created this guy 2 years ago for the IZM.
I thought the idea was brilliant so I decided to do it for this year.

Drawn on paper with 2H pencil with coloration on Photoshop.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Three years ago a friend and I decided to create an event about zombies, we call it, The International Zombie Month. (Original eh?)  But anyway, the idea behind it is simply to draw as many zombies as possible during the month of June. It's good fun and a challenge and slowly it's becoming more and more popular as other people begin to join in on the morbid event.
Here's my opening piece.

Drawn on paper with a 2H pencil, inked with a Micron pen and a grey scale in photoshop.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Black Cat

I asked my fan page followers if I should draw Black Cat or Supergirl next. With a huge total of 83% of the vote, I had no choice but to draw Black Cat.

I went with a pretty basic approach for this drawing. A quick sketch with a 2B pencil and then refined with an HB pencil so that it was dark enough for me to transfer with my light box. (For those of you who don`t know what a light box is, well the name says it all. It`s a small box with neons inside of it that help you to trace a drawing onto a clean page, in this case, sketchy Black Cat turned into clean line art Black Cat) After all this, I inked, scanned and colored her in using Photoshop.

In this post I included all three steps; Pencil drawing, ink drawing and the colored final version.

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Its been a very busy week and I didn`t have time to draw very much, however I still managed to draw a little something for fun. I drew the Hulk; but even better than the Incredible Hulk, I drew a Hulk with boobs! ... No, not man boobs. A female version of the Hulk. I`m gonna call her She-Hulk...get it? Cuase she is a SHE and she likes the Hulk :)

Yeah so getting serious, I totally just drew the She-Hulk from the Marvel universe. Hope you like her!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ghost Rider Pages

A friend of mine wrote me a 6 page story about Ghost Rider during a bad trip. I managed to do 4 pages so far but here it goes. Enjoy.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Badass girls are always fun to draw.

So the other day I saw the movie Sucker Punch, let's just say it had a lot of eye candy. It wasn't the best movie in the world but it was pretty fun. I had to take some time for at least one drawing of it. It's not a complicated pose but still, if I have more time I will do more drawings of the girls from the movie.

Time for more posts

Hi guys,

It's been a while since had the chance to wite in here, sorry, I've been really busy.
Here are some more drawings from my daily 30 minute drawings.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Hobgoblin, Hobgoblin,
Does whatever a goblin can
Shoots a pumpkin bomb, any size,
Catches Spidey just like flies
Look Out!
Here comes the Hobgoblin.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


So I'm always trying new approches when it comes to coloration on photoshop. I`m trying to find out which one suits me the best.

The Feret

This one is just a little something I did for a friend of mine who needed some promotional drawings for his radio show on VIP Internet Radio.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Year of the Darkseid.

We are now in 2011 and we all know what that means. Yes, thats right its the year of Darkseid !!!! Oh I know it doesn`t even make any sense, but I still did this full figure of Darkseid for all my fans. I know I talk like have have a tons of them. Well who knows.

Fun fact: Did you know that Darkseid`s real name was Prince Uxas?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Holiday Venom

The holidays are over. That means more time for more drawing. My resolution for 2011 is to become better at drawing than I ever was. I'm gonna practice a lot playing the Rocky 4 soundtrack in the background for extra motivation.

Here are the latest super-hero drawings I did for the end of December.
I know so far I`ve only done female characters. Not that I don't enjoy the females attractive body, I thought it would be a good idea to change things up a little and practice with male characters...Okay I know this one is not the typical male but he was so fun to draw.

Here`s Venom from the Marvel universe. I hope you dig it.